"Okolab is a provider of complete and reliable solutions for Live Cell Microscopy"

"Okolab is a provider of complete and reliable solutions for Live Cell Microscopy"

Okolab was founded in 2002 by a group of scientists on the leading edge of the bio-medical research with a sound experience in the field of microscopy and mechanical engineering.
We proudly supply our products world wide through a well established network of dealers and partners.
Our Mission

To design and manufacture superior quality equipment for research and medical laboratories.
Our Vision

To help our Customers to reach excellence in their own fields of research and activity, by supplying innovative, user friendly, reliable products.
Our Principles
We are customer oriented
We seek to be the best
"Okolab is a provider of complete and reliable solutions for Live Cell Microscopy"

Our team is made of 25 people, with different background and is organized in three Departments: Design, Production, Sales and Customer Care.
R&D Department
Dr. Vincenzo Sibillo, leads the R&D Department and counts on a team of 10 engineers specialized in Mechanical Design, Electronics and Software.
Our products are entirely designed in house and this allows us to couple functionality and ease of use.
Our R&D is equipped with a self made prototyping facility where our engineers bring life new products and find answers to the many “what if” questions that arise during the development phase of any new product.
OEM Product Design
We have developed customized products for business Partners, meeting special requirement s in terms of hardware and software design.
When needed, complete our products can be integrated in third party software by means of well-documented API.
In most of the cases, we were able to provide a prototype within three months.
Production Department
Dr. Luigi Sabetta leads the production department and coordinates our suppliers. Luigi and his team face the task of manufacturing and delivering ON TIME. Indeed, we know that a timely delivery is essential for our partners and customers and the production team works hard to meet the expectations. In 2014, 95% of our products were delivered worldwide on the scheduled day.
Sales and Support Department
Dr. Luca Lanzaro leads the Sales and Support Department. Our goal is to reply to enquiries within 24 hours.
To penetrate the US territory we incorporated Okolab USA Inc. located in Pittsburgh, PA and appointed Lara Petrak as our Director of sales with with the goal of strengthening our customer support and further expanding the distribution network.
Customer care is our top priority

Okolab S.r.l.
FACTORY NAPOLI: Via A. Olivetti, 1 - 80078 Pozzuoli, NA, Italy
FACTORY ROVERETO: Via delle Zigherane - Edificio B08.01, 38068 Rovereto, TN, Italy
- Luca Lanzaro Ph.D
- Phone: +39 081 8062624
- E-mail: info[at]oko-lab[dot]com
Okolab USA Inc.
417 Thorn St., Suite 309, Sewickley - PA 15143, USA
- Lara Petrak
Mobile: +1 (650) 410 0756
- E-mail: usa[at]oko-lab[dot]com
Okolab Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Room 2604, Jiande Apartment, No. 9 Jiande Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200025, China
- Pony Tong
Mobile: +86 18500508458
- E-mail: tong[at]oko-lab[dot]cn
You can find us at the following events:
- ELMI 2025 - June 3-6, 2025, Heidelberg, Germany
- ESHRE 2025 - June 29 - July 2, 2025, Paris, France
Join our Team !

We are searching for talented mechanical, electronics and software engineers.
Send us your resume to jobs@oko-lab.com.
Okolab USA
No Openings
Okolab SRL - Sede Rovereto (TN)
Assemblatore elettromeccanico di dispositivi biomedicali
Okolab SRL - Sede Pozzuoli (NA)
Programmatore Labview - Agnano
Tecnico di Laboratorio - Agnano

We care about the enviroment

At Okolab, we care about the environment! For this reason, in 2012 we incorporated Okopower SRL, to build and operate a 106 kW Photovoltaic Power Plant in southern Italy. Since 2012, OKOLAB is 100% green, because we produce more energy than we consume.
This is our energy balance, in kWh:
Produced |
Consumed |
Balance |
2012 | 142,457 | - 22,675 | + 119,782 |
2013 | 138,730 | - 43,428 | + 96,054 |
2014 | 136,459 | - 35,348 | + 101,111 |
2015 | 143,233 | - 47,383 | + 95,850 |
2016 | 139,485 | - 43,428 | + 96,054 |
2017 | 151,422 | - 44,927 | + 106,495 |
2018 | 136,352 | - 46,869 | + 89,483 |
2019 | 135,427 | - 55,607 | + 79,820 |
2020 | 140,656 | - 68,160 | + 72,496 |
Join our Team !

Do you have in mind a great product and need a partner to turn your idea into a real business?
At Okolab we are ready to invest in your idea.
The partnership workflow is as it follows:
Step 1. Inventor and Okolab sign of a Non Disclosure Agreement, so that Inventor can freely share the idea with Okolab.
Step 2. Okolab and Inventor cooperate to estimate the business potential of the idea.
Step 3. Okolab and Inventor agree on a partnership deal.
Step 4. Okolab performs: Engineering, Prototyping, Exposure to Scientific Community and Market.
Step 5. Product commercialization.
Please, contact: info@oko-lab.com

Project Funded